This week on Texas Country Reporter, it’s out in the middle of nowhere, but if you’ve go a beat up, messed up or mangled band instrument, we found a place that’s worth the drive. Contact Delbert Lloyd, 501 S.E. 4th. Knox City TX 79529 ph# 940.658.3071 We’ll get dressed up for a small town prom where things are done a little differently. Hamilton TX John & Dorothy Schoedel, 1745 Farm Rd. 1241, Hamilton TX 76531, ph#254.386.5774 Plus, visit a small town Texas bed and breakfast where when it comes to food, breakfast is only the beginning. Woodbine Hotel 209 N. Madison, Madisonville TX 77864, ph#866.348.3336 Texas Country Reporter…it’s what the Lone Star state is all about.