This week on Texas Country Reporter, get into the spirit of the season with a man a who finds Santa Claus in every person he meets. Bill Keen, 121 Will Rogers, Schertz, TX 78154, ph # 210.632.6867 (MAP) Find out why folks from all over south Texas flock to the home of three sisters. Janie Esther and Dorothy Minten 1188 East Jim Wells Co. Rd., 401 Rt. 1, Box 82A, Falfurrias, TX 78355, ph# 361.325.2068 or 800.276.4339 (Visits to the Christmas House by reservation only, Sept. 21st through March 31st.) (MAP) Plus, it could be the worst Christmas song ever written. Texas Country Reporter…it’s what the Lone Star State is all about.